SHADE IS BACK! The show that has continuously sold out for nearly 3 years! Celebrating Women, people of colour, and the LGBTQ2S+ community
Lilla Koi Fanpage (Les Femmes Fatales: Women of Colour Burlesque Troupe)
Yaw Attuah
DeAnne Smith
Sarah Ashby
+ More
Headliner: Jialu Wang
NOTE: SHADE is a space for BIPOC, LGBTQ2S+, and Women. Harassment/Hate of any kind will not be tolerated in this space. If an issue arrises please find the host (Me, Anasimone George) and let her know!
& Don't touch anyones hair! Thanks!
<< If you would like to donate tickets, purchase them through the link and email with the tickets you'd like to donate/ or the email used to purchase them>>
Ticket Link Coming Soon!
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: August 21
Comedy Brawl Quarter Finals
Later Event: August 23
After Hours